Welcome to Phoenix Holistic Healing Clinic
Feng Shui - Feng Shui is the Ancient Chinese Art of balance, which ensures safety, peacefulness, and a gentle, harmonious atmosphere to enhance and promote healing! Profound relaxation is the feeling many people express - just walking through the doorway!
"Tai Chi Symbol" or "Yin-Yang Symbol" This ancient Chinese symbol shows that life is a balancing act. It's dark (yin) side and light (yang) side stand for the opposite forces in life - like cold/hot, night/day, female/male. These forces may be opposite, but they attract. They balance each other, and together, they achieve harmony.
All Oriental Bodywork Techniques (O.B.T.) are used to balance or regulate the body, mind and spirit. There are fourteen meridians running through the body and on them are Tsubo or energy points. When these points become weak, stagnant or depleted, they can cause organic disturbances resulting in pain, illness, and disease. A 5000 year doctrine, Chinese medicine teaches that when the energy meridians are in balance, the body will heal itself. Treatment enhances the body's natural healing ability and can prevent or cure illnesses.
SHIATSU is deeply relaxing, using a ratio of 20% rubbing with 80% pressing, to gently release energy blockages. It is given with warmth and care, through a non-invasive touch. It works on the neurological system, providing a deep sense of peace, and releasing pain. All systems of the body get signalled to release energy blocks, which in turn boosts the immune system.
ACUPRESSURE is performed by applying deep pressure to key points on the body to release stress, tension and pain. It is a powerful tool in the elimination of toxic build up and fatigue.
ENERGY Balancing Acupressure is used to rebalance the vital life energy forces within the body and to help reconnect us to our core self. This ancient practice not only affects muscle tension and stress but also our deep emotional issues.
